Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fucking idiots..

So when did it become acceptable to be incapable of doing basic math? I know I don't frequent many high end establishments, but is it too much to ask that someone that is in charge of handling money can actually FUCKING COUNT or do simple calculations without fingers or paper? My personal favorite is when you hand someone change after they hit done and you're greeted with a blank stare and a length of drool starting to dribble from the side of their mouth.

I should be allowed to euthanize anyone and everyone that can't figure out that if my change is $1.93 and I hand you 7 cents, I get $2 bucks back instead of 1 dollar and a pocketful of change that I'll end up giving to a one legged, one armed, one nutted bum that smells like dried urine.

If you are incapable of figuring that out in less than 2 seconds, I get to shoot you in the face.

If it takes longer than 5 seconds, I get to shoot you AND your parents in the face.

If it takes longer than 10 seconds, I'll just put your face in a bucket of water and let you drown yourself. Then I'll go shoot your parents, grandparents, siblings/kids, your dog and the teacher that let you pass 1st grade.

Exceptions to be made if:
A) You're drunk
B) You're stoned or generally on drugs.
C) You're genuinely retarded. And not just borderline retarded. Bona fide napkin eating retarded.
D) All of the above.

Fuck man. It's really not that hard.

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