Monday, February 7, 2011

Back to School.

Apologies for the lapse in posts. P is too apparently too busy thumbing his butthole and I am busy with my usual procrastination.

I decided to take a short break and be serious for a bit.

As most of you know, I took (and am taking) OB's death pretty hard. Even if I don't show it. I was on the verge of withdrawing last semester and set myself back a bit with the overall progression of my thesis project and my less than glorious grades. Or I assume my grades were less than glorious. I haven't had the nerve to actually check yet. I may never actually check.

To this point, I have only shown these to a select few people and the people I had in my digital montage class. My final project was to do the 5 stages of grief and 2 "recovery" montages. I am posting only 3 of the 7, just because they are the only 3 I was completely happy with.

Just to give an idea, here are the original base photographs. 

I've been reluctant to show any of this mostly because it's actually personal and reflects how I felt/feel. But it seemed about time to share some of it. It's a new semester. I have to get creative (somehow). 

I miss you OB. 


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting these. I think its good to get personal work out in the open where others get to witness it. Its also cool to see how much photo manipulation took place to create the final images. Any glance into the creative process is valuable in my opinion so I appreciate you showing the base photos in contrast to the final products.
